Live With Intention

The Live With Intention podcast was born out of The Disciples Dialogue podcast. While The Disciples Dialogue podcast is designed to showcase Apostolic conversation, the Live With Intention podcast will be a monologue setting where I am able to share my study notes, and thoughts as they come to me. The name came from a picture that hangs above my desk which reminds me that God has a plan and purpose for my life and that I should make every moment count. My desire is that you will be able to take some of these gold nuggets from the Word of God that I have found and apply them in your own life. May God bless you as you LIVE WITH INTENTION!

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New Jerusalem

Thursday May 11, 2023

Thursday May 11, 2023

Don’t you want to make it? Heaven is the goal, right? YES! You and I can make it. If we are obedient to the Word of God and obey the plan of Salvation, we will live with Jesus in New Jerusalem forever more… Let’s talk about that city as we learn to live with intention.


Sunday Apr 23, 2023

Sunday Apr 23, 2023

Let’s talk about friends. Not the hit TV show from the 90’s… Rather, how to be a good friend. Friends are important and you need them. We don’t always get it right so we need to work on it. That starts with a conversation, so lets begin.

Mountain Top Experiences

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Everyone wants to have mountain top experiences but why? Do you know the difference between what happens on and off of the mountain, spiritually speaking? Join me as we look at some examples of some mountain top experiences that literally changed the world! May God bless you as we learn to live with intention!

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

Welcome to my new podcast, Live With Intention! I plan on sharing my notes and my thoughts with you as the Lord shows me more each week. God’s Word is so good, I can’t keep it to myself. We will cover an array of Biblical topics from Genesis to Revelation! I hope you enjoy listening. May God bless you!


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